Counselors Corner

Savannah Meadows - Rigdon Road Elementary School

Mrs. Meadows
I recently obtained my Masters in School Counseling from Liberty University and this will be my 1st year as a School Counselor. I am so excited to pour into the families and children at Rigdon Road! Previous to this position I served as a preschool teacher assistant for three years and have developed such a love for elementary age students. I cannot wait to see what this year holds!

I am a major social butterfly who loves to read books, attend church, and spend time with my family. My family currently consists of my husband Jackson, we have been married for 5 years but together for 12, and our sweet dog Piper. However, I am ecstatic to announce that our sweet family is growing and we will be welcoming our first baby early February!

Advocating and helping children has always been a passion of mine and as a School Counselor I am here to assist in anyway I can. Please feel free to contact me with any needs or concerns!

Please click on the link below and fill out the form to reach Mrs. Meadows. If it is an emergency please tell a trusting adult or call 911 for HELP!

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Muscogee County School District

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Rigdon Road Elementary

Rigdon Road Elementary

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Crisis Response Counseling

Provide students with coping skills and support after a crisis.

Individual Counseling

Brief Counseling sessions to help students resolve and find solutions during difficult matters.

Small Groups

Counseling small group sessions that focus on improving skills for students in the areas of personal/social, academic and career development.

Classroom Guidance

Classroom lessons with a planned curriculum to meet the needs of all students.

Resources and Referrals

Provide resources and referrals for families and students in need.

504 Chair

Supporting students with disabilities by developing accommodations to meet student needs.

PBIS Coach

Supporting and guiding the implementation and sustainability of RRES PBIS plan.

August - Positive Attitude

1. Optimism - Having a strong reason to act or accomplish something
2. Patience/Moderation -  The ability to wait calmly without complaining; avoiding extremes 
3. Ambition - Wanting to get, do, or become something; wanting to achieve a goal 
4. Enthusiasm - Something causing a feeling of excitement and active interest 

October - Respect

1. Respect for Self - Having pride and belief in one’s own worth; Holding yourself to a high standard; Self-worth 
2. Respect for Others - Concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others 
3. Respect for Authority - Respect for those individuals who are in positions of responsibility 
4. Respect for Learning - Appreciation for the importance of and effort involved in acquiring knowledge 

September - Diligence

1. Grit - Ability to keep working toward long-term goals despite setbacks or failures 
2. Perseverance - Persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success 
3. Resiliency - The capacity to successfully manage high levels of change 
4. Tenacity - The quality that allows someone to continue trying to do something even though it is difficult 

November - Citizenship

1. Patriotism - Respectful devotion or allegiance to one’s country, community, and school 
2. Service to others - Useful, usable, and required duty to others 
3. Honor - Showing gratitude for our Veterans, active service men and women, and first responders 

December - Empathy

1. Empathy - To show understanding through a supportive response 
2. Compassion ​- Understanding the suffering of someone else and wanting to help 
3. Caring - To feel concern or interest

February - Tolerance

1. Acceptance - Recognition of the diversity of others, their opinions, practices, and culture without attempting to change it 
2. Forgiveness - Benefiting yourself and others by ceasing to feel resentment towards others 
3. Considerate - Showing concern for the rights and feelings of others 
4. Open Mindedness - To learn tolerance and acceptance through exposure to cultures, ways of life, and ideas other than their own 

January - Kindness

1. Polite - Showing positive regard for others in manners, speech, behavior, etc. 
2. Generosity - Unselfish willingness to give and share your time and talents at home, school, and community 
3. Courtesy/Civility - Polite, civil, and courteous behavior towards other in words and action 

March - Forgiveness

1. Acceptance - Deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance; Being willing to accept other’s apologies 
2. Excuse - An explanation that frees one from fault or blame 
3. Amends - An attempt to restore a relationship, situation, or friendship by seeking to right the wrong through a change of behavior  

April - Integrity

1. Honesty - Truthfulness and sincerity; free from deception 
2. Trustworthiness - Worthy of confidence; reliable; dependable  
3. Self-Control - The power to direct or regulate your actions and emotions 
4. Justice/Fairness - Correct, proper, and reasonable treatment of behavior and viewpoints of others 

May - Accomplishment

1. Motivation - Having a strong reason to act or accomplish something 
2. Courage - To meet a challenge without giving in to fear 
3. Wisdom - Good judgment; ability to make reasoned decisions; insight